Academic Open Internet Journal

ISSN 1311-4360

Volume 23, 2008






Dichko Bachvarov*, Bojan Kirov**, Georgi Stanev***,

Rumyana Krasteva*, Ani Boneva* , Veselin Georchev*


*CLMI-BAS, Acad. G. Bonchev Str., Bl. 1,

**STIL-BAS, Acad. G. Bonchev Str., Bl. 3,

***SRI-BAS, Acad. G. Bonchev Str., Bl. 3,


Abstract: This paper presents an hardware and software tool for testing of the electrical and communication parameters of monitoring device units, purposed for working on the board of Russian segment of International Space Station (ISS). These devices, incorporated in project “Obstanovka”, will make measurements of the electromagnetic fields and plasma-wave processes occurring in the ISS near-surface zone (NSZ). The tool integrates hardware and software components for testing of the functionality of the Bulgarian devices DP (designed in SRI-BAS) and LP (designed in STIL-BAS), included into the project


Keywords: space plasma research, scientific device unit, project “Obstanovka”, RS422, functional testers




1.1.           Project “Obstanovka”


The monitoring of the plasma- wave processes is based on the physical idea, supposing that the plasma (including plasma in the outer space of ISS) is a dynamic medium [2].  The project “Obstanovka” has to create a databank of knowledges  for electromagnetic fields and plasma-wave processes,  being occurred in the near-surface zone (NSZ) on ISS. 



Fig.1. Location of the Bulgarian  measuring blocks outside of ISS


Next task of the project is the discovering the influences over plasma components under the near-Earth space (NES) (including influences having artificial causes). On Fig. 1 is shown the Russian segment of ISS and the work location of the scientific instruments. There are two containers, denotes as CWD1 and CWD2, for mounting of different measure blocks (scientific instruments). In each one of the containers are mounted two Bulgarian instruments-named LP-1, LP-2 (of type LP), DP-1 and DP-2 (of type DP), as and set of other instruments. Each of the scientific instruments measures different plasma-parameters. Fig.2 shows the connections between different devices forming two local networks (by one of each of the containers), [5].




Fig. 2. Connections between scientific instruments.


Each of the local networks includes a set of measurement devices and Data acquisition control unit (DACU), connected by RS422 bus (DACU is connected to each of devices from its group via a separate RS422 bus and uses a separate port for communication with this device. Some of the devices use a different type interface communication, but LP and DP use RS422) [1].

It is defined inherent logical communication protocol, unified for all of the devices communicating on RS422. This protocole determinates the transactions on the bus and data presentation.

As is shown on Fig.2, DACU1 and DACU2 are connected into high level LAN, including these devices, Hub, BSTM (Block of Storage of Telemetry Information) and  on the board of  ISS computer.


1.2 Scientific experiments (with LP and DP devices)


With the Bulgarian instrument units, LP and DP, included into the project “Obstanovka”, have to be doing following scientific experiments: 

Ø      LP is intended for measurement variations of the conductivity of plasma using “Langmiur probe” method. The instrument has ability for controlling of the connected to it probe potential and measurement of the incoming current (from the near space plasma), calculating important plasma characteristics [3].

Ø      DP is intended for measurement of the voltage potential variations of surface of ISS toward the near Space (in long time interval), using special spherical probe, connected to the device.

Each of the devices collects of data, saves and sends it to the DACU. DACU integrates the received information and transmits it to a base computer, resident on the ISS board (by Ethernet bus).




The tool set includes hardware and software components.

The hardware components include passive and active electronic blocks, User station based on PC, interface cables and other devices (it is possible to add and second PC for communication control) allowing test of the system in realistic conditions.

The software components are divided in to three groups:

Ø      test programs built in to the instrument units, activated from User station;

Ø      test and simulation programs built in to User station;

Ø      test programs built in secondary PC used during the communication test time.

Test configuration schemas for DP and LP experiments are shown on fig. 3 and fig.4.

The test scenario includes follow steps:

Ø      Communication tests – tests for communication protocol and traffic conditions performance;

Ø      Connection tests – tests of connectivity between the device units and DACU.

Ø      Functional test  - test of correct functioning of measure subsystems of the devices;

Ø      Simulation test – test based on simulation sequences, generated by User station;


2.1. Features of functional tests Testing tool


The Testing tool software is designed as packet based on Tcl scripts in PC and library of C functions, running in to the instrument units. It is realized as instrumental and graphic user interface (API).

 The graphic interface supports active menus (built in to the help menu). This approach allows the user selection of the concrete test program together with help information connected to it. There are specific test procedures for each of two instruments units – LP and DP. It is included additional test procedure, allowing full simulation of the “flight” work mode of the tested instrument units.

Each of the tests generates result documentation (saved in its inherent directory), having abilities for graphic and text visualization.

A special electronic block (CMB) is designed to work as converter between RS422 and RS232, with ability to support the communication protocol between the instrument units and operation station (PC). This block includes additionally a power supply (for instrument unit) and signal generators used in the test mode time. The set of the user station and CMB simulates external DACU communication and space plasma parameters generation.


2.1.1. DP test configuration


DP test configuration is shown on fig. 3 and includes primary module (DP-PM), connected to spherical probe and secondary module (DP-SM) working as processing unit. Control and Measuring Block (CMB) generates simulation voltage signals, under program control, to the probe. CMB makes translation of interface protocol between RS422 and RS232 (used by DP-SM and operation station (PC)). The PC controls all test events, generates control sequences and records the test results, using unified communication protocol.

DP-SM is intelligent device, processing all analog signals, received from DP-PM and supporting logical and physical interface to PC. It measures voltage levels by 16 bits ADC, converts the results and writes corresponded records after filtration in to his local data base. In current test configuration DP-SM works as slave device and PC works as master device.







Fig.3. DP test configuration


2.1.2. LP test configuration


LP device is designed for measurements of plasma parameters, based on “Langmiur probe” methodology. It includes circuits for voltage control and current measuriment, data saving and communication with DACU (using unified logical protocol on RS422 bus).




Fig.4. LP test configuration


LP test configuration includes primary module (PM), connected to Cylindrical probe and secondary module (SM), working as processing unit.

SM controls the voltage level on the probe executing commands receiving from PC on RS422 bus (trough RS232/RS422 converter built in to CMB). On the probe is generating corresponded current reading by 16 bits ADC from SM device. After filtration and conversion of  the measures, the last  are recording in to a local data base on SM. 

In current test configuration LP works as slave device and PC works as master device. PC controls all test action processing. It uses unified interface protocol, saves and visualizes the test results.


2.2. Features  of  Testing tool for communication test


On the fig.5 is shown the test schema of the communication tests (the units DP and LP).

The communication tests includes tests of the bus transactions, the control of the data stream and the protocol time conditions. Because the communication bus is RS422, there are two one - direction differential lines connecting the instrument unit to DACU. The control of the logical level of these lines, during the test time, is the first task of the communications testing tool [4].

The second task is the data control of the transmitted block during the different communication sessions.

The special device   (Monitor) supports additional channel to an external computer  (Laptop). By this way is possible to monitor of data traffic line. Using additional control line, the Laptop can select current monitored line. Laptop software controls the monitor work and tests transfer block validity.

 Because the communication lines are galvanic isolated from the monitor hardware, their observation hasn’t electrical influence with them. This feature allows the test to be processed as with user simulator station, so and with original DACU, connected to the instrument unit.







Fig. 5. Communications test



2.3. Features  of  Testing tool for “connections  test”


In the area of Space applications is very importantly to control of the connections between different communication lines. Some  problems can occur because the instrument units and DACU have independent power supply modules but they use common interface ground. When the scientific units and DACU have “different” grounds, it makes possible influences of  the signals.

Other serious problem is a big number of wires (and connectors) used. For example, the instrument LP uses 27 connections for different signals.

Ø        For a control of the connections, the tool uses such device, as is shown on fig.5. This device has indicators of correct connections of the bus lines and right bus levels.

Ø      The “Monitor” has an external power supply independent of the bus power supply. So it has ability to observe on communication line states at any time. This feature could be used for testing of the instrument line standalone (without connection to DACU or simulator system).

Ø      Each of Control Measurement Block’s (CMB) has indicators for correct consumed energy from tested unit. Other indicators are used for showing of states of communication line. These indicators give the user objective information of the state of communications and connections during test time.





The Testing tool set is a mix of hardware and software solutions. It is a part of Control Testing Equipment for Technological and Flight Control Procedures (CTETFCP) of LP and DP in the project “Obstanovka”.

The Testing tool set is used as for functional testing, so and for DACU functioning simulation. It is useful and in the case of “Complex test”, including test of all devices working as complex.

This approach is useful for building of test configuration for different complex scientific devices working in real-time.




[1]. Batchvarov D., B. Kirov, A. Boneva, R. Krasteva, S. Klimov, K. Georgieva, Software Package for Primary Processing of Telemetric Information, Tenth Jubilee National Conference wich International Participation Dedicated to the 70th Anniversary of Acad. Dimitar Mishev, Contemporary Problems of Solar-Terrestrial Influences, Proc. ISBN 954-91424-1-8, Editor: Acad. Dr. Stoycho Panchev, 6. Session “Space Instrumentation and Technologies”-SIT, pp. 202-205, STIL-BAS, Sofia, (20-21 November 2003).

[2]. Georgieva Katya, Boian Kirov, Dimitar Atanassov, Ani Boneva, Impact of magnetic clouds on the middle atmosphere and geomagnetic disturbances, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, ISSN: 1364-6826, (Editors-in-Chief: T. Killeen, J. Plane), Elsevier Ltd, Volume 67, Issues 1-2 , January 2005, Pages 163-176, DOI information: 10.1016/j.jastp.2004.07.025,

[3]. Kirov B., Batchvarov D., Boneva A., Krasteva R., Georgieva K., Klimov S., A Remote Upgrading of the Special Software for the Langmuir Probe Aboard the International Space Station, 11th International Scientific Conference “Solar-Terrestrial Influences”, Sofia, Bulgaria, Proceedings of the Eleventh Intrnational Scientific Conference (Edited by S. Panchev), ISBN 954-91424-1-9, Solar-Terrestrial Influences Laboratory "Acad. D. Mishev" - BAS, (24-25 November 2005), pp. 185-188.

[4]. Kirov, B.; Batchvarov , D.; Boneva, A.; Krasteva, R.; Georgieva, K.; Klimov, S.; Dachev, T., A Remote Upgrading of a Space-Borne Instrument, 36th COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Held 16 - 23 July 2006, in Beijing, China., p.2426,





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